Friday, April 24, 2015


The solstice burns through eyelid shielded irises,
Causing solar flared flashes long unseen it seems,
Except in knocked out booze drenched dreams

The scratch of grass at my back,
A delicacy of rarity,
When buried deep in the angel covered city 

Lovers walking hand in hand,
Lost in twin peaks of reverie,
Spreading far across the valley,
Of a stunning luminescent lovers land

Everyone is someones stranger in one way or another,
And in one way or another we are all sisters and brothers,
connected by the land we stand on called Mother

Billy once said, "What's in a name?"
For we all carry a different name, 
And for all of us, our fate is the same

We live, we love, we die
We try to live, we try to love, we die
We hope to live, we hope to love, we die
We live like there's no tomorrow, 
We love faithfully and unconditionally,
We die,
Which verse is yours?  

--Jordan Ramay